mokumoku studio went to TACO ché at Nakano Broadway to get Ryan Holmberg’s THE TRANSLATOR WITHOUT TALENT!!

As I wrote about Ryan before in this blog, he is a manga historian and translator. He found us through Instagram when we were posting #concoro, the daily corona manga and we even featured him as a leading character in case #20 of concoro.
His book has recently been published which is called “THE TRANSLATOR WITHOUT TALENT”. This book is the compilation of his research findings on alternative manga and gekiga artists like Yoshiharu Tsuge and also the background stories of his translation. He also writes about nuclear power and social discrimination problems in Japan. That’s like..what I have really been interested in.
Guess what?? mokumoku studio is mentioned in his book!! Our manga piece is in it!!
It is just so amazing that mokumoku’s work is included in the same book with all of the prominent artists who created the foundation of Japan’s subculture.
The society we live in is far from an artist friendly environment but places like TACO ché where you can find wonderful self-published books and the whole thing with the book made us happy about what we have done till now and also encourages us to move forward with it.